Monday, March 16, 2009

Route marches

Route marches are an integral part of training. Except at Bossies they were also part of the general fucking around. I think we did at least one route march a week, the times were arbitrary - but usually after 21:00, and of course with 5 minutes notice to "Fokkentreeaanvolkitstaaldakengeweer!!! Nou!"

Then it's off in the dark at a fast walk/slow jog sort of pace. Not sure if there's a name for it, I think the Brits call it tabbing. If the moon was up, it went quicker, but on a dark night the first 30 minutes was always characterized by stumbling, unexpected face plants and a fair amount of swearing. And of course there's the certainty that if your time is slower than last time, you get to do it again.

The photo shows Tony Barnes (left) and I just before a route march. Note the ancient webbing. I think the engineers were sucking on the hind tit when it came to equipment. The note on the back of the photo says our 20km time was 3 hours 20 minutes.

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