Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Old men

Maybe it's an age thing. It's more than twenty years since I left the army. Yet it left an indelible impression. I'd been working my way through the internet, trying to find out what had happened to everyone... and then out of the blue I received an email from Danie.

We’d been in the army together more than twenty years ago. Danie had gone one step further, and had put together a CD of photographs, as well as a diary of his memories that had me laughing out loud for days while I read it.

Even more amazing, he has managed to find over 50 of us. Four of five have died, some live in New Zealand now (traitors), one or two live in the USA (capitalists). The rest? We’re all older, fatter , probably not wiser, and we all remember those days like they were yesterday.

So maybe the time has come for me to write down some of what I remember, before CRAFT disease gets the last of my memory. I’m not even going to try to get the stories in order. I’ll just write them as they filter up through the sludge…

Oh, and the pic has nothing to do with me. I lifted it off the net.


  1. Wow this is really amazing its also 20+ years since I have been in the army and yes it could be a age thing LOL. I did basics Jan 1984 21 field at the dam and did riots that year. Then went to 1 Construction regiment, later I did border duty 25 field Oshakati and did my last camp in 1991 Messina. I have so pics if you want use them. http://www.flickr.com/photos/45019257@N02/sets/72157624239498212/

    For some reason I also just stared searching for SADF pics and info. I also came across this site dedicated to sappers http://www.sasappers.net/ I don't know why this happed but its as if I am rediscovering myself. I guess it will always be a part of us. Thank you for your blog great stories brings back so many fond memories.

  2. Hi Eet Kreef and Guys
    I was a chaplain at Oshakati Sektor 10 HK, in 1980-81.
    I am looking for photos of the main HK base, if anyone has some to share.
    I can be contacted via vanblomoz@gmail.com
    Pierre van Blommestein

  3. I am looking for Captain Johan H Kruger from Sector 10 He was there 1984 / 1986. If anyone knows where I can find him Please charmjvre@iburst.co.za
